Xiaomi launched the Redmi 8A in India on 25 September. The highlight of the smartphone is its massive 5,000 mAh battery which is an unusual for a smartphone under the Rs 7,000 price segment. Starting today, during the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale , the smartphone will be available for purchase on the e-commerce platform. Redmi 8A pricing and availability Redmi 8A comes in two RAM variants. The one with 2 GB RAM is priced at Rs 6,499 and the higher variant with 3 GB RAM will cost you at Rs 6,999. Both variants come with 32 GB internal storage. Redmi 8A can be purchased Midnight Black, Ocean Blue or a Sunset Red colour. (Read: Diwali With Mi Sale: Best Deals on Redmi 7A, Redmi Y3, Redmi Note 7 and more ) Redmi 8A comes in three colour variants — Midnight Black, Ocean Blue, and Sunset Red. Redmi 8A specifications and features As for specifications and features, Redmi 8A comes with a 6.22-inch HD+ 'Dot Notch' display with an aspect ratio of 19:9. Under t...