Garmin India is set out to dazzle its Patrons with the new Vivoactive 3 Element, this festive season. At a special price of Rs 15,990 the Vivoactive 3 is available on, Tata CLiQ and Garmin website. Garmin India, a unit of Garmin Ltd, is launching the Vivoactive 3 Element this festive season to make it a much more unique and captivating one, with this new wrist workout companion. The Vivoactive 3 Element is preloaded with more than 15 sports apps and various other features that will support its users to monitor fitness level with VO2max, keep an eye on stress levels, heart rate monitoring, GPS navigation and so much more. Speaking about its launch, Mr. Ali Rizvi, Director of Garmin India said that keeping in mind the festive season, when people exchange gifts with their near and dear ones ,the smartwatch was launched as, “Garmin Vivoactive 3 Element which can definitely be a healthier festive purchase for the customers.” Making it more convenient for the users, the Garm...