Leading online shopping platform Amazon has announced Mega Music Fest. The sale which has gone live on Tuesday, 29 June is going to end Wednesday, 30 June. During the two-day sale, customers can get up to 50 percent off on several electronic items including musical instruments, speakers, and headphones. Brands famous for their electronic items like boAt, Sony, JBL, Bose, Casio etc will be on sale during Amazon's Mega Music Fest. According to Amazon, boAt Stone 201A and Infinity Hardrock 210 will be available with offers and discounts during the Mega Music Fest. While the boAt speakers are available on the platform for Rs 1,749, the Infinity speakers are priced at Rs 4,699. Equipped with a 2,000 mAh battery, boAt Stone 201A can play up to 6 hours at a volume of 80 percent. It can be connected to devices with the help of Bluetooth 4.1. Infinity Hardrock 210 has three in-built modes for movies, gaming and music. It comes with an IR remote and can be operated from a distance. Amaz...