Having unveiled prices for entry-level versions in August , Mahindra has now announced the full variant line-up and introductory variant-wise prices for its brand-new SUV, the Mahindra XUV700. What will be of interest to potential buyers are prices for the top-spec XUV700 AX7 variants, which were under wraps until now. The Mahindra XUV700 AX7 petrol-manual is priced at Rs 17.59 lakh, while the automatic version costs Rs 19.19 lakh. The XUV700 AX7 diesel-manual on the other hand, is priced at Rs 18.19 lakh, and the diesel-automatic is the most expensive version of them all, costing Rs 19.79 lakh (all prices, ex-showroom). As standard, the XUV700 AX7 versions come with space for seven passengers with three rows of seats, and an optional ‘Luxury pack’ – which adds the segment-first flush-fitting door handles, 360-degree cameras, Sony 3D sound system, blind spot monitor, wireless phone charging and electronic parking brake – is available for an additional Rs 1.80 lakh on the AX7 automati...