Intel has finally launched its 4th Gen Xeon Scalable processor (code-named Sapphire Rapids). At this week’s launch event, Intel described the new Xeon as one of its most significant product launches to date. The new Intel Xeon CPU Max Series, also known as Sapphire Rapids HBM, was introduced at the event. It is an x86-based processor with high bandwidth memory that is intended to boost HPC applications without requiring modifications. Additionally, Intel unveiled its Data Center GPU Max Series, also known as Ponte Vecchio, which was created to offer better edge, cloud, network, and edge computing capabilities. Besides improving data centre and cloud infrastructure performance, the new CPUs are important to Intel and its partners for other reasons. The delays, initially from manufacturing issues and ultimately to a flaw discovered last year, helped AMD expand its data centre presence. According to Intel, the 4th Gen Xeon processors provide clients with a variety of options for contr...